As business owners, we are go-getters, we work hard, and we love what we do. This is good, but there is a hidden risk involved. There are many things that can keep you up at night, and a lack of sleep is the result. It is critical that you take care of yourself. If you are not healthy you will not be able to do a good job, no matter what stage your business is in: start-up, fully operational, or growing. So, in today’s article, I am writing about not getting enough sleep.

Entrepreneurs tend to work 60 to 80 or more hours per week, worry, lack sleep, and have a poor diet. They are passionate about their business and before they know it their families suffer, stress sets in, depression is knocking at the door and fear of failure begins its tormenting process to keep you going in a downward spiral.

The following article entitled “Lack of sleep: Can it make you sick?”[1], speaks volumes about how not getting enough sleep will make you sick.

“Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as a common cold virus. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.
During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you’re under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don’t get enough sleep.
So, your body needs sleep to fight infectious diseases. Long-term lack of sleep also increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease.
How much sleep do you need to bolster your immune system? The optimal amount of sleep for most adults is seven to eight hours of good sleep each night.”

Make sure you get enough sleep, plan well, be organized and get help. I know there are emergencies, but with proper rest, planning, organization, sound business relationships and proper nutrition, you will be able to handle crisis’s well, with a clear head and Wisdom. Just remember this: When you are diligent, it leads to profit, when you operate hastily, it leads to (a poorly run business)[2] poverty.

[1] Eric J. Olson, M.D from the Mayo Clinic

[2] Paraphrased, italics is from the author; taken from Proverbs 21:5, NIV

About the Author: Nicole Cannon

By Published On: April 26th, 2022Categories: startupsTags: , ,


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